Mayor’s final State of City: West Palm positioned as ‘world class city on the rise’
In her final State of the City (West Palm Beach) address, Mayor Jeri Muoio decreed “The state of the city, our city, is good, very good.” While you may or [...]
AMBASSADORREALTYCORP.COM is ready for your reading pleasure, searching for the perfect home or condo, thoughtful articles on the local real estate market, meeting our Team, learning our expertise and specialties and [...]
It’s a buyer’s housing market, now
With December numbers just in, please take the time to read this interesting article that is pertinent to the Palm Beach County housing market…yes, it’s a BUYERS market now and [...]
On January 23rd , 2019, Sally Kimball, and Wendy Roberts, both committee members for the Old Bags Luncheon, attended the event at the Breakers. This annual luncheon supports Center for [...]
Developers take lead on push for working class housing in Gardens
The city planners of Palm Beach Gardens are working with developers to build much needed “Workforce Housing”. CREDITS: By Sarah Peters Published in the Palm Beach Post | January 17, [...]