Meet Ginger Gowing
Some of my highlights
Living in downtown for over 18 years, and a resident of One City Plaza since it opened in 2006, it’s fair to say that Ginger Gowing is a well-known lady and the “Downtown Guru of our company! A full-time real estate agent, Ginger knows every condo building in the downtown area and has been very involved with her husband, Clint, in the Downtown Development Authority for 6 years.
Ginger also is known for an event she started, “Ginger’s Dance Party”, that was a monthly event through the Parks and Recreation Department for over 5 ½ years. There are rumors afloat that it may start up again with a private restaurant to be determined in Downtown West Palm Beach…Stay tuned!
One of the advantages of working with Ginger is that she lives here, always answers her phone and is on call 24/7 on short notice. Other agents and clients know of her dedication and passion for living downtown and trust her for her knowledge, potential rental or sales values, pros and cons of every single building and her tireless energy.
Besides being a dance-a-holic, Ginger is a member of the National Croquet Club, loves to garden, adores animals (trained parrots for over 30 years) and loves to walk her Sheltie, Callie, all over downtown.
We are thrilled to have Ginger as part of our Ambassador Realty Family and look forward to many successful and very busy times with this positive, knowledgeable, passionate and dynamic professional!